INFRACHIP Transnational Access Open: free access to cutting-edge technology

The INFRACHIP project, in which the SiNANO Institute is involved, officially opened its Transnational Access, meaning that interested researchers, PhD, SMEs, Academics…can now apply to access at no cost (EU funded) state-of-the-art technologies in Europe!

Please find below the official press release of INFRACHIP.

INFRACHIP is now accepting applications for Transnational Access to more than a hundred offers for the sustainable development of next-generation and future semiconductor chips.

April 29th, 2024

After being officially launched in late January 2024, the European project INFRACHIP, The European research platform for the sustainable development of next-generation and future semiconductors chips, is now officially accepting applications for its transnational access calls. Applicants can navigate through a showroom featuring more than a hundred offers from the INFRACHIP members (Tyndall, CNRS-FMNT, UNINOVA, JOANNEUM Research, NCSRC Demokritos, WUT/CEZAMAT, HMU, Chalmers, AMO GmbH, INL) and submit their applications to get EU funded access to state-of-the-art technologies.

The access is divided into 5 technology pillars. The range of technology platforms accessible through the INFRACHIP Access providers is now available on the project website ( More than a hundred offers are already available in the following areas:

“Power”: Energy Autonomy, Power Electronics, PMU Design

“Sense”: Advanced Sensing, Stretchable and Flexible Sensors, Photonic Sensing

“Think”: Quantum and Spin Device Engineering, Components for neuromorphic computing, Non-Volatile Memories

“Connect”: RF Components, RF front-end Design, Short-range Optical Communication

“Sustain”: Green Electronics & Substrates, Green Sensors, Hybrid SiP/SoC

This signals the start of the Transnational Access calls, and we invite enquiries about participation in the INFRACHIP programme.

PhD students, post-doctoral and other academic researchers, SMEs or industrial researchers who wish to access a specific technology, to advance their research or develop a research prototype, can apply to the programme.

An interface team comprising of experts in the field will guide the applicants to refine their project and select the most suitable set of technologies for their research and help them to define the type of access they require. Depending on their needs, applicants can opt for an in-person or virtual access to the platform. The applicant can avail of this completely free of charge.

To be successful, applicants must prove their project can have an impact on the development of future semiconductor chips and tackle modern challenges. To assess this, a special reviewing committee of researchers has been set up by INFRACHIP and will review each application.

It is to be kept in mind that the transnational access involves a specific rule: applicants can’t apply for access to an access provider who is located in the country they are based in, with the exception of INL in Portugal. For instance, a PhD student based in Ireland, no matter their nationality, will not be able to apply for access to one of Tyndall’s platforms.

Removing barriers and addressing challenges in the sustainable and innovative development of semiconductors chips, INFRACHIP is now operational with the aim of inspiring and supporting the next generation of researchers.

About INFRACHIP and its other programmes

INFRACHIP received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation actions programme under GA No. 101131822 to enable us to provide free  access to state-of-the-art technology platforms, accelerate the Lab-to-Fab translation, address the EU twin green and digital transition, improve R&I capacity building, provide training and knowledge sharing toward a reinforced skilled workforce on semiconductor manufacturing in line with the European Chips Act.

In addition to the Transnational Access Programme, to support PhD students and early-career postdoctoral researchers, INFRACHIP is sponsoring training courses at the access provider facilities several times a year under the “Research Accelerator” Programme. Participants engage in a facility tours, lectures, and interactions with local experts. This Programme aims to cultivate a skilled workforce while introducing participants to the INFRACHIP offers. It provides a comprehensive understanding of nanofabrication techniques and demonstrates how they can leverage INFRACHIP platforms to expedite their research endeavours. Each session will host a group of 6 to 8 selected participants over 2 to 3 days at no cost to the participant.

INFRACHIP will also provide integrated courses in both silicon processing and flexible electronics, catering to students and professionals seeking deeper insights into device fabrication and equipment utilization. The trainings, delivered through webinars and digital schools, are structured around the Training Fab concept, encompassing a blend of theoretical instruction and hands-on practical parts. The format is tailored to the needs of the audience, providing attendees with a fundamental knowledge on the topic which is a crucial step toward innovation.

More details on INFRACHIP: